Resourcing, Learning & Talent Management

An 8 hour (2 – Day) intensive development programme that highlights the key elements of implementing resourcing, learning and talent management best practice.

The attraction, recruitment, development and progression of people talent has become a key competitive challenge for most organisations. This programme highlights what we have learned in terms of best practices and approaches to ensure we can provide the business with the talent it needs to progress and succeed.

At the completion of the programme participants would have identified the criteria on which people choose and re-choose their employers and identified improvement areas for their own organisation to become and remain an “employer of choice” in relation to resourcing, learning and talent management best practice.

Coverage of best practice in resourcing/recruitment, learning offerings and delivery, talent assessment, development and progress.

  1. Creating a Talent Management Programme for Organisational/Business Success
  1. Resourcing and Recruitment
    Internal, External Channels and Best Practice “Funnel”
  1. Talent assessment and HIPO identification via 9-box
  2. Formulating Training and Development
    Responses that support Performance and Talent Management
  3. Succession Planning as Part of Strategic Workforce Planning
  4. Numbers, metrics and ROI

***Key action points and takeaways for both the organisation, business and the individual.***

An interactive yet stretching programme that can be enjoyed by HR, Learning and Line professionals alike.