Director of Strategic Initiative and HR Manager Ms. Sudorat Tanattanawin Talks About Training at BSM

04-05-17 Assel Aitbayeva 0 comment

In this video Director of Strategic Initiative and HR Manager at Ruamrudee International School (RIS), Ms. Sudorat Tanattanawin, speaks to us about her experience with the training course at Bangkok School of Management.

Ms. Sudorat was particularly pleased with the hands-on nature of the training provided and how she could implement the solutions given to her by her trainers at her workplace and see the change almost immediately. She said, ” I like the fact that I can bring any issue/concern to them (trainers) and they can give me a solution which is practical, easy to implement and increases efficiency”. She also added that it is a big benefit to BSM to have trainers who are actual practitioners since they can tackle real-life problems easily.

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